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2024 Touring Car Model Update

by Sean Wrona

You might have noticed I finally did a slight redesign. After HostGator raised my monthly charge for web hosting, I decided about a month ago to switch to a much more obscure and less expensive hosting provider called Fresh Roasted Hosting and I also decided to use this opportunity to redesign the site. I had read some complaints that some of my earlier columns weren't very readable, so I inverted my usual white on black background and I also increased the font size and selected some marginally prettier fonts to try to help make the columns more readable. I realize my main issue has always been that my paragraphs are far too long, and I will probably not be remedying that today, but hopefully the fact that my columns for RotoBaller have a word count limit means that I will eventually be better able to control my logorrhea and improve my concision somewhat.

I mentioned in my last stock car update column that I was dividing all the drivers on my master driver list into five categories to determine which drivers would ultimately make my 1,000 greatest drivers list and I did finally go through the list in March and I completed my spreadsheet grouping all the drivers I felt may have had at least one top 200/C- season in their career onto this master spreadsheet. I'm still working on my master list some more as there are still some series I have not archived that I would like to finish, especially national-level sports car, rally car, and touring car series. In the past month or so, I've been adding drivers from national and regional rally championships to my list and I have discovered a few that probably deserve to be listed on my big board who I don't have yet, and I'm sure I'll occasionally find more every now and then, but I do think the majority of the preliminary work is done. Right now, I'm also trying to identify the best year and best individual drive for each driver I will be including on my list because that is something I intended to include in the book. I'm not quite ready to evaluate all drivers on a season-by-season basis though.

I intended to finish this column a couple months ago before the touring car season really started and not long after I completed both the stock car and open wheel update columns, but firstly, it took me quite some time to find a complete list of all the drivers who would be competing in Porsche Supercup this season and that didn't really become available until shortly before the season started. I was also working hard every day to complete my preliminary spreadsheet for the master driver list as I mentioned earlier, but there have also been a lot of things going on in my life that led me to put this off. A little over a month ago, I fainted three times in my kitchen over the course of a minute or two a few minutes after I got up. Although I didn't really think it was an emergency at the time and I decided not to go to the ER that time, I had a fever, lingering stomach pain, and some other pains and I decided to go to the ER a couple days later; apparently I was dehydrated and had nothing else wrong with me. None of this caused me to miss any of my columns for RotoBaller or anything (I just completed my 200th column last Monday) and I even maintained a fairly active Twitter presence the whole time, but I was very alone in real life. I had to take a Medicaid cab that day alone. I live with my mom who is disabled with multiple sclerosis and has recently lost her vision for the most part; she was too weak to accompany me and doesn't want to be tested for cataracts. I'm glad she was there since she was able to catch me when I fell and also that the kitchen floor is carpeted, although it took me a couple days to find my glasses, which landed on a distant part of the kitchen floor. But I was alone and scared although they ostensibly found nothing wrong with me.

Despite my RotoBaller gig, which I deeply appreciate, I haven't had a day job in nearly two years now and I'm making less than $100 from RotoBaller a month with my only other income coming from book royalties from my book on the history of competitive typing, Nerds per Minute. It isn't enough to live on and I am essentially living off my mom's disability. I am getting rejected for almost all regular jobs I apply for probably in large part due to my autism and also the fact that I don't know how to drive or have access to a car while living in the suburbs and I got final notices from both the power company and the water company. Thankfully, one of my friends gave me some money, but I'm considering going on public assistance for a bit while I regain my bearings. I'm embarrassingly about to start a second bankruptcy proceeding. I have been fantasizing about moving, but I don't know how I could without a car or local friends or access to a dumpster, especially because my mom hoarded a lot of stuff. We both want her to sell her house but we can't imagine the logistics of a move and I want to leave Syracuse, but I don't really know where I want to go. I've been in this kind of analysis paralysis where I'm applying for local jobs, applying for remote jobs, looking for gigs, trying to monetize either my dead YouTube channel or my writing, applying for disability (because I do feel at times I am almost too sick to work due to the symptoms of my ARFID eating disorder and irritable bowel syndrome), fantasizing about moving, and not really getting anywhere and falling behind on 1,000 things at the same time. The only thing that gives me any joy at all anymore right now is my auto racing statistics work and I am getting a modicum of income from it, so I'm still going to do this even though there are about a hundred things I should be doing instead.

Ever since I hooked up with the RotoBaller people, I have been exploring gambling on races. As I recall, my boss Jordan McAbee claimed he won almost $100,000 gambling on races last year and I was wondering if this could be my future. I am not proud of this, because of how broke I am and also because I was the kind of person who in my youth would have said gambling was wrong. I used to yell at my mom for buying lottery tickets, but I know that sports betting definitely has a higher expected value than the lottery if you do it right. I've sort of changed my tune on these matters when you realize that a lot of things we except culturally like the stock market or especially going to college are effectively institutionalized gambling as well. I owe Cornell over $100,000 for my two degrees and feel like I essentially got nothing out of it so far, and I did not major in underwater basket weaving or whatever people make fun of for majoring in college. I know I will never lose that much gambling in my life, and I am playing it very safe to start with. I am only betting from the small amount of money I get from RotoBaller and book royalties, seldom if ever betting more than $5-$10 at a time, and trying to only make bets that I think will be positive expected value. I know I have the right sort of nerd brain that could eventually make this profitable at least, but I obviously also know it is risky. I have only won on two bets so far, most notably $40 on Jesse Love to win the Xfinity race at Talladega. Desperation leads many people to do things they wouldn't ordinarily choose to do. Even though I already have my own statistical models like most of the other serious bettors do, I don't think they're yet good enough to maximize my revenue and I'll likely have to improve upon them.

At the moment though, I have little if anything else going for me and anything I can do to avoid rejections by yuppie hiring managers who want to discriminate against me for being autistic is something I want to try. I suppose I could launch another Patreon as well like I had for my book in 2020 and 2021, and I've been thinking about doing either a Patreon or Substack for either YouTube or more likely written content for my auto racing analytics. I do have about 6,000 YouTube subscribers but most of them don't seem to be very interested in any of my non-typing content and I'm pretty tired of talking about typing and I want to become a serious racing analyst who can make a living at this. (My first preference would be to get a Public Service Loan Forgiveness-eligible job because I only need 2 years, 4 months of PSLF for my loans to be fully paid off, but I can't even imagine that at this point.) It doesn't seem like most people are that interested in my auto racing content at this point but I know that both David Smith and currently Grant Peters of Auto Racing Analytics have Patreons so maybe I should try it. How many people would be interested in supporting a Patreon or a Substack if I launched one? I don't really know, but it seems like I've never gotten the same traction that analysts like Grant have gotten. I suppose it's something I need to try though rather than just wallowing in my own misery like I have been.

As with my previous two columns, I will list below all the ratings for drivers who had ten or more teammate comparisons in the year 2023, while the following table will list all the drivers who are eligible for my model (meaning they either made a start in Supercars, the WTCC/WTCR/TCR World Tour, DTM, BTCC, Stock Car Brasil/Pro, or Porsche Supercup at some point) who made starts or are expected to make starts in either 2023 or 2024. Just as before, I provide the up and down arrows to compare each driver's rating from my October 2023 model with their rating today. I included all race results and teammate comparisons I could find for all touring car series (and remember my definition of what a touring car series is a lot looser than a lot of other people's) through the weekend of May 4-5, 2024, but I didn't quite finish this in time to be completely current as there were some races on the weekend of May 11-12 that I did not include, most notably three BTCC races last Sunday. The races I counted included all series including minor leagues, so any of the national level TCR Series, Super2, or primarily the national-level Porsche Carrera Cup series were included in the update, and a number of drivers did shift significantly, although the sample sizes are large enough for most drivers (as with my stock car model) that most veteran drivers did not shift much. Unlike with my stock car and open wheel models, I decided to include all active drivers even if they had as few as one teammate comparison just to have a more complete list, although obviously some of these more recent drivers have such a small sample size that their ratings are likely to shift wildly in future updates. I've decided I want a complete list of active drivers to make it easier for me to copy and paste the data into future updates, rather than having to look and see if I included eligible driver X on my previous list and so on. And now, on with the update.

2023 Touring Car Ratings

Even though the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters is officially considered to be no longer a touring car series because it now uses GT3-type sports cars and touring car pedants argue that a series should only be classified as a touring car series based on the type of car raced, I still consider it to be a touring car series for my purposes here because it still consists of many of the same drivers, teams, and circuits today as it did when it was an official touring car series, and I personally find it entirely nonsensical to not include more recent results amongst the same drivers just because the type of car changed. It would be like deciding to include NASCAR results from both the Car of Tomorrow and Gen 6 eras in my stock car model but not include any data from the Next Gen era by arguing that the Next Gen car isn't a stock car. I'm sure many people online would argue that, but I digress. I've made the decision to include DTM (including the current seasons), Porsche Supercup, and all its minor league Porsche Carrera Cup series (as well as some even more questionable stuff like European and Brazilian truck racing) because the drivers crossed over enough between all these series and more generally acknowledged touring series for me to consider those series as being part of the tradition of touring car racing even though touring car purists like the guys at TouringCarTimes would no doubt tsk at me for not following traditional racing conventions. I won't make these points with every future update of my model, but I just wanted to reiterate them once here.

Whether you think DTM is a touring car series or not, it seems like on balance, the best touring car drivers (or however you choose to classify them) are generally found in that series. Last year's DTM champion Thomas Preining was the highest-rated touring car driver in my model globally with a rating of .596 after he utterly demolished his teammate Dennis Olsen 11-3 in shared finishes. Olsen only finished 7th in the championship last year and failed to win while Preining won thrice including sweeping the races at the final weekend in Hockenheim. Olsen is definitely a good driver too even if he had a disappointing season in 2023 as he himself had previously beaten Preining by a nearly identical margin of 10-3 in 2017 when they competed in the Porsche Carrera Cup Germany together. Preining is certainly the better driver between them as he was only 19 while Olsen was 21 that year, which means he certainly had more room to grow as a driver and when you see the full table, you will note that Preining did overtake Olsen in the ratings last year and looks poised to be one of the biggest motorsports stars of the 2020s.

However, Preining was not the only DTM driver in the top ten as DTM drivers tended to be all over the list. Admittedly, part of that is due to the fact that DTM does not have any field inversions between its races and has qualifying sessions for each (much like Supercars does), while series like BTCC, the TCR World Tour, and Stock Car Brasil do all have field inversions in either half or a third of their races, which means the top drivers are not able to dominate their teammates to the same extent. As a result, you really do have to compare each group of drivers to the other drivers in their series and there is an apples-and-oranges comparison here somewhat as a result as drivers in series without field inversions are being compared to drivers in series with field inversions. I think Ashley Sutton was the best touring car driver in the world last year without question (and I ranked him 2nd globally) but he'll probably never be the highest-rated touring car driver in a season just because the BTCC has a field inversion every third race, so you will have to bear that in mind, but honestly, I don't think these distinctions really make a huge difference in terms of the overall list (at least to the same extent they do on the year-end list). The lack of field inversions probably explains why the DTM overwhelmingly dominates the top ten. In addition to Preining, Ricardo Feller was the 3rd-highest rated driver of the year while Sheldon van der Linde was 4th, Mirko Bortlotti was 8th, and René Rast was 10th. Together, the top five DTM drivers in points took up half the top ten. Obviously some of that is due to the lack of field inversions, but the other part of it is simply that they're all damn good. I do think DTM has probably the best touring-car field top to bottom as the other series have a far greater percentage of amateurs, while most of the DTM drivers also have a rich history in other forms of sports car racing or Formula E or various other disciplines. I think I probably have not historically given DTM enough credit. Sutton was still better though.

While it shouldn't really come as a surprise that Preining was the highest-rated driver in my model last year considering he won the DTM championship and that series was the most overrepresented at the top of my list in general, you might be surprised who was in second place. Shane van Gisbergen has gotten more hype than any other touring car driver in recent years, but it was actually Chaz Mostert who was the highest-rated Supercars driver for the second consecutive year, and this time it wasn't even close. You might be surprised by this at first, but the result doesn't seem to be spurious, even in 2022 when van Gisbergen won a single-season record 21 races while Mostert won only 5 times. If you compare the teammate head-to-heads, Mostert beat his Walkinshaw Andretti United teammate Nick Percat 27-4 in 2022 and an astonishing 22-2 in 2023 while SVG beat Feeney 29-4 and 15-9 in those respective years. Although Feeney is probably going to be better than Percat over the long haul and at this point already is, Percat is still rated considerably higher than Feeney in my model because Percat himself did have an exceptionally strong teammate record every year and scored a career winning record against every single one of his teammates except Mostert, who absolutely demolished him. After Percat switched to Matt Stone Racing this year, he has already won and seems to be back to his old form and utterly dominating his new teammate Cameron Hill. Clearly something was up with WAU and obviously its co-owners Michael Andretti and Zak Brown are not exactly renowned for running consistent programs these days. It honestly makes sense that in a year when SVG and Feeney were seemingly evenly matched and Brodie Kostecki and Will Brown utilized the even more dominant Erebus Racing cars Alex Zanardi and Jimmy Vasser something to literally come out of nowhere and become international racing stars out of the blue that Mostert would come out on top. Even in the overall points standings, SVG beat Feeney by 1,146 points in 2022 and 124 points in 2023 while Mostert beat Percat by 1,192 in 2022 and 1,057 in 2023. Even despite his lack of wins while SVG had a ton of them, Mostert was beating Percat worse than SVG was beating Feeney, and bear in mind that Percat was a veteran in his mid-30s at what should be a peak age who is well established while Feeney was a 19-21 year old in his first two seasons. It begs the question: is Mostert actually better? Probably not, but he's the highest-rated active Supercars driver in my model by far and in my opinion clearly the best after SVG's departure, but he just does not have the championship-caliber cars to contend for wins as often as he should, much like Pato O'Ward who also might be secretly best in IndyCar in the same way. While NASCAR team owners scour the Outback for latent talent from Supercars crossovers, that opened up opportunities for Brodie Kostecki, Will Brown, and Cameron Waters to get NASCAR starts. Are the NASCAR teams smart enough to realize Mostert is substantially better than any of those guys? (He himself has a 40-13 record against incoming trucker Waters.) They probably aren't.

The TCR World Tour, which replaced the established World Touring Car Cup, was a weird Frankenstein of a series where nine full-time regulars competed against various domestic drivers from TCR national and regional series in selected events, which ended up adding a lot of drivers from the TCR Europe, TCR South America, and TCR Australia series to my model who wouldn't have been previously eligible prior to 2023. The Australian rounds took place after I originally developed this model so several of the drivers specifically from Australia like Aaron Cameron, Josh Buchan, and Bailey Sweeny had never previously been listed on my public model, but they all did pretty well here. In truth, I had already done an update at the end of the season to prepare for my top 200 list, which is when I discovered what an electrifying season Aaron Cameron had for a driver who is so obscure. But in general, it was obviously the international drivers who fared best with TCR World Tour champion Norbert Michelisz ranking 5th, runner-up Yann Ehrlacher in 12th, and 3rd place Rob Huff in 21st. Clearly based on those results, the series was pretty fair in rewarding the best drivers, unlike Supercars where the ratings this year were all over the place and wildly unexpected. Because the TCR World Tour is technically the most prestigious touring car series in the world since it is the only international one (even if DTM and Supercars may be more prestigious in actuality), it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that all nine of the full-timers had ratings of > .1 last year and a lot of the part-timers who only competed in the national or regional rounds did too. Although this series has been wildly erratic and has changed its name several times (before it became the World Touring Car Cup, it was the World Touring Car Championship) it still has more prestige than you likely think it does, and the fact that the TCR brand has become so ubiquitous throughout touring car racing means that the quality of the drivers will probably remain quite strong even if the series changes its name five more times, which wouldn't surprise me.

I've already praised Ashley Sutton a lot 'round these parts and also on Twitter, as recently as two days ago when I (again) criticized Autosport for only ranking him 36th in the world last year when he was in my opinion the best British driver last year without question, not Hamilton, Norris, or especially Russell. For all the constant social media wars between F1 and NASCAR fans, it seems like European racing fans do in general take NASCAR drivers seriously. Maybe it was Carl Edwards beating Michael Schumacher in the Race of Champions or Juan Pablo Montoya being average in his NASCAR crossover or Kimi Räikkönen and Jenson Button making NASCAR starts and not setting the world on fire recently or simply the fact that they view oval drivers as masters of a different discipline. You will always see a few NASCAR drivers on global best drivers list most years even on Eurocentric lists these days, which is not necessarily something you might have seen twenty years ago. Supercars drivers also get a lot of respect, which stands to reason since Scott McLaughlin won in IndyCar pretty quickly and Shane van Gisbergen won in NASCAR immediately. But the BTCC feels to be a red-headed stepchild that gets no respect from anyone; it seems to be one of the two most underrated series in the world relative to its actual prestige (I would say it's neck and neck with Porsche Supercup). It constantly blows my mind that I consistently rate their drivers higher than the British-centric lists do, but I don't think I'm wrong to. To be fair, the series does not help itself when they do cheesy things like streaming races live on TikTok and it doesn't help that it's hard to find full race coverage even though the races are only about 20 minutes in length. They also have a far smaller social media profile than most other major league racing series with only 42,000 YouTube subscribers and 99,000 Twitter followers, but despite all that, I really think the drivers are just as strong as those in any other touring car series. Some NASCAR team should be beating down Sutton's door right now to be honest, since he's way better than Cameron Waters, but obviously the series doesn't really have the infrastructure to create stars since F1 controls pretty much all the racing discourse in the country. I'm gonna keep giving their drivers their proper due until everyone else catches up with me though. Despite the fact that BTCC has field inversions and Supercars doesn't, Sutton has been ahead of SVG and all active Supercars drivers except Mostert since I started the model and he is in my opinion the best touring car driver today after tying the all-time record for championships and the all-time single-season win record in only his eighth season. To some extent, having the dominant cars certainly helped him since although Sutton was the highest-rated BTCC driver last year in 14th, Jake Hill in 17th, Tom Ingram in 19th, and Colin Turkington in 22nd were not far behind although Hill (who won six races and made the pass of the year) ended up ranking 2nd in my model despite finishing 3rd in the championship behind Ingram who only won twice. I've been enjoying what I've been seeing in my research into the BTCC and I actually (no joke) did the unthinkable and set up a TikTok account solely to watch BTCC races. I'll try to avoid the rest of the brain rot on there as much as possible. I probably won't bother with a VPN after the ban goes through.

Besides the bizarre outlier of Zak Best (the Super2 development driver who finished 2nd in that series's points for the third consecutive year but was unable to find a full-time Supercars ride for 2024), who ranked so highly because he made two starts as a Supercars codriver in the Sandown 500 and Bathurst 1000 marquee races alongside teammate James Courtney for the four-car Tickford Racing team and finished higher than all their teammates in both races, the two remaining spots in the top ten are taken by Felipes Fraga and Massa in the Brazilian Stock Car Pro series, still better known as Stock Car Brasil. Both of those drivers are obviously extremely well-known with Fraga proving to be a dominant IMSA driver in a class that is nowhere near as good as he is and Massa needing no introduction whatsoever, but I tended to find the ratings for all these drivers to be pretty volatile. While the rankings for DTM, TCR World Tour, and BTCC drivers closely followed the points standings, the Stock Car Pro drivers' rankings (much like the Supercars and Porsche Supercup drivers) were considerably more off the mark. Fraga and Massa did certainly do well in Stock Car Pro, but Fraga finished 5th in points and Massa was 10th, and Fraga went winless while Massa only won two reverse-grid races, although admittedly, those were the first races he had won anywhere since his crash in Hungary in 2009 and it looks like he might be resuscitating his career as a touring car star much like Rubens Barrichello did before him. The third highest-rated Stock Car Pro driver was Thiago Camilo, the Castroneves/Hamlin of the division with 39 wins and 16 top ten points finishes but no titles; Camilo finished 4th in points last year. However, the actual championship contenders were all over the place with the champion Gabriel Casagrande (a name that sounds almost as made up as Will Power) ranking only 84th, 2nd-place Daniel Serra ranking 86th, and 3rd-place points finisher and ex-F1 driver Ricardo Zonta ranking 120th with a surprisingly negative touring car rating. The ratings here diverge so wildly from the actual championship results that I'm starting to think I shouldn't take them that seriously for this series at all, and I guess that makes sense since half the Stock Car Pro races have field inversions.

The reason I said it was debatable as to whether the BTCC or Porsche Supercup was the most underrated series in the world was really because the BTCC is a destination series where veteran drivers spend the rest of their career, while Porsche Supercup by contrast is a series whose top pros are comparable to that of most other series, but it doesn't seem to be a series where any drivers stay for life as it effectively serves as the top-tier feeder system for GT sports car drivers although there are always a few veterans in it. Nonetheless, it is (along with its various subsidiary Porsche Carrera Cup series) an extremely frequent stopping point for many future great drivers, and while I'd hesitate to consider any of their recent drivers other than Larry ten Voorde as one of the best drivers in the world at the time, these drivers still deserve far more hype than they get. Despite the fact that the series literally tours with F1 in all its European rounds, the series only has twice as many subscribers on its YouTube page as my own channel does despite the fact that the series spawned many, many great drivers like Kévin Estre, René Rast, Matt Campbell, Mathieu Jaminet, Richard Westbrook, Wolf Henzler, Thomas Preining, Dan Cammish, and so on. I called Morris Schuring and Loek Hartog the most underrated drivers in the world last year based on their performances in this series and although Schuring did not have a Wikipedia page at the time when I included him on my top 100 list, somebody's workin' on it now. However, it ended up that Alessandro Ghiretti, a last-minute addition to my top 200 list last year, was the highest-rated Porsche Supercup driver in 16th, narrowly above Schuring in 18th, with perennial champion ten Voorde in 26th, champion Bastian Buus in 32nd, and 3rd place points finisher Harry King in 36th. That wasn't so far off their actual points rankings, although it's a surprise that Ghiretti ended up the highest-rated driver despite finishing 7th in the championship and going winless in his rookie season. He's really having a breakout season this year so far though as he has won three out of four races in both the Porsche Carrera Cup France and Porsche Carrera Cup Asia series. In the latter series, he is leading the 2022 Porsche Supercup champion Dylan Pereira by 22 points so it seems like he has a strong chance of being the Porsche Supercup champion this year and therefore his high ranking does not seem to have been a mistake. The mistake may have been only barely putting him on my top 200 list last year to begin with.

In all, I think this does a fair job of sorting through many of the nooks and crannies of more obscure racing series to evaluate drivers in series that are more obscure than F1, IndyCar, NASCAR, and the top tier sports car series, even if I would argue the top drivers in many of these series are just as good. I still have ambitions to complete a rally driver model as well but there are way more rally drivers to go through than those in any other discipline, and I might not even finish that this year. If I ever do finish it, this will be the last model based on teammate results that I will ever complete (although I might do another one later based on laps led for some series), and then I feel I'll be pretty much ready to complete my season-by-season driver ratings for my book project that I will likely never finish. There were a total of 191 drivers who made enough starts in variosu touring car series to appear on the list, and some of these were minor leaguers and others were amateurs. I do think the ratings for touring car drivers are substantially more extreme than what you will usually find in either my open wheel or stock car models but that makes sense because there is a far larger gap between the top drivers and the backmarkers because a lot more amateurs appear in these series (especially in Porsche Supercup where the top third of the grid is in my opinion competitive with most series anywhere, and then the rest... is not), so I might someday try to find an adjustment to make to place my open wheel, stock car, and touring car models so they are on the same level by comparing the ratings of drivers who were included in multiple models, but that may be a project for the distant future.

1Thomas Preining0.596
2Chaz Mostert0.555
3Ricardo Feller0.525
4Sheldon van der Linde0.489
5Norbert Michelisz0.401
6Zak Best0.399
7Felipe Massa0.396
8Mirko Bortolotti0.393
9Felipe Fraga0.384
10Rene Rast0.381
11Juan Angel Rosso0.352
12Yann Ehrlacher0.343
13Aaron Cameron0.332
14Ashley Sutton0.321
15Adam Smalley0.315
16Alessandro Ghiretti0.300
17Jake Hill0.293
18Morris Schuring0.282
19Tom Ingram0.267
20Thiago Camilo0.265
21Rob Huff0.264
22Colin Turkington0.258
23Rubens Barrichello0.258
24Guilherme Salas0.255
25Lukas Sundahl0.254
26Larry ten Voorde0.251
27Leonel Pernia0.242
28Josh Cook0.241
29Jordan Cox0.225
30Dale Wood0.225
31Matias Rossi0.224
32Bastian Buus0.222
33Cameron Waters0.221
34Bailey Sweeny0.213
35Scott Pye0.209
36Harry King0.206
37Felipe Baptista0.203
38Ricky Collard0.199
39Nestor Girolami0.192
40Loek Hartog0.190
41Mark Winterbottom0.189
42Gianluca Petecof0.188
43Denis Navarro0.185
44Dorian Boccolacci0.180
45Nelson Piquet, Jr.0.178
46Franck Perera0.170
47Broc Feeney0.168
48Shane van Gisbergen0.167
49Felipe Giaffone0.166
50Gaetano di Mauro0.162
51Thed Bjork0.162
52Beto Monteiro0.156
53Jaap van Lagen0.154
54Eduardo Barrichello0.153
55Bobby Thompson0.153
56Ricardo Mauricio0.153
57Santiago Urrutia0.151
58Brodie Kostecki0.150
59Zezinho Muggiati0.146
60Marvin Klein0.145
61Simone Iaquinta0.140
62Cesar Ramos0.139
63Kobe Pauwels0.139
64David Reynolds0.132
65Ben Bargwanna0.131
66Mikel Azcona0.130
67Kelvin van der Linde0.126
68Frederic Vervisch0.120
69Leon Kohler0.115
70Dan Cammish0.114
71Tim Slade0.113
72Nicola Baldan0.113
73Rafael Suzuki0.108
74Anton de Pasquale0.104
75Ma Qing Hua0.103
76Andre Heimgartner0.101
77Dean Fiore0.100
78Bernando Llaver0.086
79Marcos Gomes0.084
80Diego Azar0.081
81Lucas Foresti0.078
82Alexander Tauscher0.077
83Daniel Rowbottom0.073
84Gabriel Casagrande0.068
85Aron Taylor-Smith0.068
86Daniel Serra0.065
87Bruno Baptista0.064
88Will Davison0.062
89Tony D'Alberto0.062
90Atila Abreu0.060
91Thomas Randle0.058
92Josh Buchan0.048
93Dennis Olsen0.046
94Ignacio Montenegro0.030
95Rory Butcher0.022
96Adam Morgan0.007
97Dan Lloyd0.004
98Aurelien Comte-0.008
99Bryce Fullwood-0.010
100James Courtney-0.011
101Matthew Payne-0.013
102Tom Chilton-0.020
103Jack Le Brocq-0.020
104Giorgio Amati-0.024
105Rodrigo Baptista-0.024
106Jack Aitken-0.025
107John Filippi-0.026
108James Golding-0.028
109Jukka Honkavuori-0.033
110Diego Nunes-0.033
111Maro Engel-0.037
112Paulo Salustiano-0.038
113Allam Khodair-0.039
114Alexander Fach-0.040
115Ariel Levi-0.057
116Fabian Yannantuoni-0.059
117Juan Manuel Casella-0.062
118Tom Coronel-0.063
119Caca Bueno-0.065
120Ricardo Zonta-0.066
121David Russell-0.070
122Fabricio Pezzini-0.070
123Enzo Elias-0.073
124Raphael Reis-0.079
125Galid Osman-0.085
126Dexter Patterson-0.087
127Nick Percat-0.092
128Benjamin Paque-0.092
129Aiden Moffat-0.096
130Huub van Eijndhoven-0.101
131Luca Rettenbacher-0.102
132Tyler Everingham-0.104
133Julio Campos-0.111
134Adalberto Baptista-0.112
135Sylvain Pussier-0.116
136Keagan Masters-0.117
137Harri Jones-0.119
138Stephen Jelley-0.125
139Gustav Burton-0.140
140Jorge Lorenzo-0.146
141Mathias de Valle-0.152
142Ronan Pearson-0.155
143Sam Osborne-0.160
144Tony Kanaan-0.165
145Felipe Fernandez-0.166
146Will Aspin-0.166
147Mikey Doble-0.205
148Declan Fraser-0.208
149Frederick Balbi-0.209
150Gianmarco Quaresmini-0.209
151George Gamble-0.213
152Will Brown-0.215
153Ruben Fernandez-0.217
154Andrew Watson-0.219
155Thierry Vermeulen-0.225
156Lucas Groeneveld-0.231
157Alessio Deledda-0.239
158Mikael Karlsson-0.244
159Ghislain Cordeel-0.244
160Brad Harris-0.251
161Michael Crees-0.254
162Jaxon Evans-0.255
163Josh Stanton-0.263
164Will Powell-0.280
165Jose Manual Sapag-0.290
166Lucas Kohl-0.292
167Yves Baltas-0.309
168Macauley Jones-0.312
169Viktor Davidovski-0.321
170Cameron Hill-0.332
171Roar Lindland-0.335
172Jack Smith-0.338
173Sebastian Freymuth-0.349
174Jack Butel-0.364
175Michael Verhagen-0.368
176Lewis Brown-0.371
177Zane Goddard-0.371
178Jade Edwards-0.388
179Garry Jacobson-0.388
180Ollie Jackson-0.398
181Nick Halstead-0.410
182Fabio Casagrande-0.430
183Jusuf Owega-0.435
184Soren Spreng-0.435
185Enrique Maglione-0.454
186Daryl DeLeon-0.465
187Nicolas Hamilton-0.473
188Risto Vukov-0.486
189Victor Fernandez-0.536
190Jordan Boys-0.578
191Lachlan Mineeff-0.642

The Model

Although René Rast, who won three championships in both Porsche Supercup and DTM, seems to be somewhat past his prime at this point as his 25-year-old teammate Sheldon van der Linde is now usually outrunning him, Rast continues to be the highest-rated active touring car driver in my model largely by virtue of his past accomplishments. Although he's nowhere near as great as he used to be (particularly when he won seven DTM races in three straight years from 2018-2020), he did slightly improve from his previous rating because he has a winning record against van der Linde in the races since I last updated my model. Although he lost to van der Linde in both 2024 races so far, he did beat his other teammate Marco Wittmann both times and Wittmann is also one of the highest-rated drivers in the model, so all these factors have allowed Rast to stand pat even though it doesn't look like he'll ever dominate again like he did a few years ago. Sports car legend Kévin Estre sits second amongst active touring car drivers even though that's based almost entirely on what he did in Porsche Supercup a decade or longer ago. However, he was still eligible to appear on this list since he did enter the Bathurst 1000 last year as a co-driver with Matthew Payne for Grove Racing, where they were betaen by David Reynolds and Garth Tander, which explains why Estre went down despite hardly being active outside the WEC. Most other drivers did not shift massively but I want to draw attention to those who did.

Adam Smalley was the highest-rated driver who made something more than a small improvement in my touring car model this year, improving from .131 in my original model to .334 now. Smalley was the Porsche Carrera Cup Great Britain champion and I strongly considered him for my top 200 list last year before cutting him at the last minute, but in retrospect, I think I made the wrong choice. Smalley swept his Pro-Am division teammate Will Aspin 15-0, which also dragged Aspin up by .159 as a result of Smalley's gains. The main reason Smalley gained so much was because I made an error in my previous model and had him listed with a 1-1 teammate record against the very low-rated Horst Felix Felbermayr based on a couple random starts he made in Porsche Carrera Cup Germany, but I realized when I looked at this further that Smalley DNFed in one of those races while Felbermayr DNFed in the other so neither of them should have counted. (The English language Wikipedia page for that series had Smalley and Felbermayr finishing both of those races, but the German language page correctly reported the DNFs). Because Smalley did not actually get beaten by Felbermayr on merit, that shot him up considerably as he now has a 17-1 overall record (16-0 vs. Aspin including one Porsche Supercup start, 1-0 vs. Clement Mateu, and 0-1 vs. Marvin Klein). Smalley switched to British GT and is one of this season's breakout stars globally as he is currently leading that series's points standings and beating the better-known father-son duo of Rob and Ricky Collard as a rookie. This seems to indicate that my model got it right in predicting another future star and it was probably a mistake not including him on my top 200 list last year. This is a mistake I will probably not be repeating.

Although Smalley was the highest-rated of the big gainers in my model, he was not the biggest gainer. That award goes to Ben Bargwanna, the 23-year-old son of seven-time Supercars winner Jason, who represents a cavalcade of rising stars in the TCR Australia Series, which definitely seems to be one of the most underrated series talent-wise in the world right now. Although it is technically a minor league, the series has boasted a number of crossovers from top-tier Supercars stars (the first two champions were Will Brown and Chaz Mostert and drivers such as Jason Bargwanna, Michael Caruso, Lee Holdsworth, Tony D'Alberto have made regular starts there with Fabian Coulthard and Garth Tander also making spot apperances sometimes, so of all the domestic regional TCR championships, this seems to have the highest caliber of competition). Many of the TCR Australia drivers became eligible for my model for the first time late last year when two rounds of the TCR Australia championship counted for the international TCR World Tour, and as a result, several of the highest-rated new drivers in my model came from this series including Jordan Cox at .253, Aaron Cameron at .215 (who I placed on my top 200 list last year as he was one of the best duelist on the TCR World Tour even against the international drivers), Bailey Sweeny at .159, and last year's champion Josh Buchan at .102. A lot of these drivers are higher-rated than a lot of much more highly-regarded Supercars drivers, and I suspect several of those drivers probably should be racing in Supercars regularly. As for Ben Bargwanna, he started out with a low rating after his father Jason beat him 9-2 in 2021 when he was a mere pup of twenty, but much like Smalley, he's been a significant breakout driver this year as he is the current TCR Australia points leader while his teammates Cox and Cameron are only 5th and 9th in the points standings and he presently has a 5-3 record against Cox and a 7-1 record against Cameron (I excluded the first race at Symmons Plains which was abandoned before it reached a complete race distance). If Cameron was able to be competitive with the international TCR World Tour stars last year, that implies that Bargwanna might be one of the strongest international touring car drivers right now, and considering Jason's past success in Supercars, it seems inevitable that Ben will probably end up there, possibly as soon as next year if he wins the TCR Australia title. Although Brown is primarily a Supercars driver now, he still competes in many TCR Australia events and last year he swept his teammate Lachlan Mineeff, which did help him to gain +.051 and Brodie Kostecki also moved up somewhat as a result of that, although they're still nowhere near where they should be and if Brown continues to outperform Broc Feeney this year, he'll certainly drag Feeney down probably below average. Because Kostecki and Brown are still likely underrated from seasons where more experienced veterans dominated them in minor league series, it will take a while for that to correct itself, particularly if Kostecki continues to not get opportunities to compete full-time.

Another second-generation star Eduardo Barrichello also rapidly rose up the ranks by .193 to climb from -.028 to .165; he is now actually tied with Ben Bargwanna on the overall list but Bargwanna wins the tiebreaker if you extend the rating to several more significant figures. Eduardo won his first Stock Car Pro race as a rookie in only his tenth start. Although he only finished 21st in the standings, his teammate head-to-heads were very good as he lost to his father Rubens 6-9, tied Argentinean motorsports legend Matías Rossi 6-6, and beat Tony Kanaan 11-4, which is a very impressive start. Now in his second year, he is the highest-ranked driver on his four-car Full Time Sports team, albeit only in 11th in points. He'll never be as famous as Rubens (or possibly even his uncle Felipe Giaffone) because he'll probably never be an F1 or IndyCar driver, but it'll be interesting to see if he can match Rubens's very impressive record in Stock Car Brasil. He has certainly had a very auspicious start. The Barrichellos' teammate Gianluca Petecof also had an impressive rookie season and even beat Eduardo 7-6 last year, which helped him move up by .054. As mentioned before, Felipe Massa was the second-highest rated Stock Car Pro driver last year and he seemed to be finally figuring out touring cars right at the end of the season after my last model update and now looks like he too is going to be a major star in the series; he increased by .064 since my last update.

Additionally, some drivers gained considerably in my model because they dominated teammates who were newly added to the model. These included Felipe Fernandez, who gained .377 in the driver ratings (only barely behind Ben Bargwanna's gain of .380) because his brother Ruben was newly added to the model and Felipe beat Ruben 11-2, and last year's Porsche Supercup champion Bastian Buus who increased from .086 to an honestly much more accurate .213 after his 14-0 sweep of Alexander Tauscher in the 2022 Porsche Carrera Cup Germany was added to the model once Tauscher became eligible this year. Buus's rating increase also lifted up his teammates Harri Jones and Harry King, with Jones gaining .104 and King gaining .072. Most of the other drivers who gained significantly in my model are relatively new drivers who have few teammate comparisons at all. These include Morris Schuring's brother Flynt (+.186), Enzo Elias (+.154), Jack Aitken (+.137), Lucas Kohl (+.137), Sergio Ramalho (+.098), Andres Jakos (+.094), Aaron Love (+.088), Zak Best (+.077), Cameron Hill (+.074), Sebastian Freymuth (+.060), Mikey Doble (+.059), Horst Felix Felbermayr (+.057), and Felipe Baptista (+.053).

The driver who backslid in my model the most was Robert de Haan, a driver I didn't have listed at all before, because he had only one single teammate comparison at the time I originally completed my model, but that is pretty much solely because of a technicality. De Haan had a 1-0 record against Ross Wylie (who went down .065 as a result of de Haan's drop) but he still has a perfect record of 7-0 overall and his first posted rating is still a sky-high .302. He actually enters as the second highest rated Porsche Supercup driver in advance of his first full-time season in the series and the only reason he declined was that Flynt Schuring who he went 6-0 against had a lower rating than Wylie, which meant effectively that de Haan's level of competition declined; his quality as a driver obviously didn't. He has already won both the Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux and Porsche Sprint Challenge Southern Europe championships last year and he was another close miss for me on my top 200 list. He ran pretty much the same as Adam Smalley in a part-time stint in the Porsche Carrera Cup Great Britain as well (except that Smalley was more consistent, but then again Smalley is 23 while de Haan is only 17!) De Haan has already won in the Porsche Carrera Cup Germany where most of the Porsche Supercup championship contenders compete and don't be surprised at all if he contends for that championship this year and breaks Morris Schuring's record from last year as the youngest all-time winner. The brothers Jimmy (-.221) and Teddy Clairet (-.199) plummeted because they had few previous connections except to each other until they competed in the TCR Australia series and were generally outperformed by the drivers there, with both of them being swept by Aaron Cameron for example. This also dragged the Clairet brothers' teammate Sylvain Pussier (-.158) down as well as Pussier's teammate Aurelien Comte (-.051). After being swept by the far below average Freymuth and Felbermayr in this year's Porsche Sprint Challenge Southern Europe championship (which was probably responsible for their big gains), Josh Stanton fell by -.170, which was probably mostly responsible for dragging Isaac Smith (-.139) and Smith's teammate Lewis Brown (-.078) down. Gabriel Robe dropped considerably (-.119) because he had swept all his teammates except for Marcio Campos prior to this year while he's only 3-2 against Lucas Kohl in Stock Car Pro this year (explaining Kohl's big gain). Two other new Stock Car Pro regulars have also dropped considerably as they get more experience in the major leagues: Arthur Leist (-.109) and Zezinho Muggiati (-.101). Jaxon Evans actually had a lot of teammate comparisons already after three years in Porsche Supercup culminating in a 2nd-place points finish and he was rated really highly, but he plummeted by .085 as his transition to Supercars is not going as swimmingly as expected. The other three drivers who dropped considerably were Vitor Baptista (-.058), James Gornall (-.057), and Ruben Volt (-.051).

Also of note are the brand new drivers to the model who were not listed before. There are nineteen of them who were not previously listed, and I've addressed the four new TCR Australia drivers already. That leaves five drivers who enter the model with above average ratings. Three of them: Mathys Jaubert (.363), Victor Bernier (.196), and Louis Rousset (.020) are French drivers coming up through the Porsche factory system. All three of them drive for Equipe Alméras Frères, the team owned by the brothers Jean-Marie and Jacques Alméras. The Alméras brothers in their late '70s heyday each won three European Hill Climb championships and Jacques also won two French Rally Championship events. Jaubert is by far the best of the triumvirate so far as he sits a relatively close second to points leader Alessandro Ghiretti in the Porsche Carrera Cup France championship after four races and has already won his first race. He has an essentially unimpeachable 18-1 record so far in his 2024 starts in both that series and the Porsche Sprint Challenge Southern Europe series, where he has a 3-0 record against Bernier, a 7-1 record against Rousset, and an 8-0 record against Fernando Monje. However, all three drivers ended up on the positive side because they're all utterly dominating Monje, a driver who has recently made a return to racing after a long absence and is 1-22 versus the other three, while all their other comparisons are against each other. I expect these drivers are likely inflated, but don't be surprised if Jaubert turns out to be a Porsche Supercup championship contender. The other two drivers are essentially flukes. Luan Lopes enters the model at .234 because he has a 1-1 record against Stock Car Pro veteran Vitor Baptista (the only reason Baptista and Lopes are not tied is because of the way my model iterates), while Supercars rookie Ryan Wood enters at a rather absurd .185 because he is only losing to Chaz Mostert by a margin of 2-4 and had no previous teammate comparisons. When you consider how good Mostert is and how high my model rates him, this rating makes sense but based on past history, Mostert is clearly going to crush Wood way worse than that and effectively already is (he is 3rd in points while Wood is 19th, so Wood is poised for a massive drop I believe).

The below table displays all the drivers who made a start or are expected to make a start in any of the six major league touring car series (TCR World Tour, Supercars, DTM, BTCC, Stock Car Pro, Porsche Supercup, and/or any of their predecessors) at any point who made any sort of touring car starts at any level (by my extremely loose definition of what a touring car series is) in either 2023 or 2024. This is certainly a much more manageable list than my complete list of 3,029 rated touring car drivers. This list only contains the 279 relatively current ones, although obviously I know some of these drivers are primarily racing elsewhere this year. We all know Shane van Gisbergen is the NASCAR Xfinity Series and will probably never make a touring car start again, although I obviously still wanted to list him here this last time. Adam Smalley is now the British GT points leader as earlier mentioned, while Kévin Estre is still killing it in the WEC and Laurin Heinrich scored his first IMSA class win a mere three days ago. Dennis Olsen and Frédéric Vervisch have committed fully to sports cars now and are running in the GT World Challenge Endurance Cup with Olsen also competing in WEC. Some of the highly-rated drivers are still competing in their usual minor league series, particularly in Argentina or Australia. You can expect some of these drivers to likely drop off the current list for 2025. However, for the 125 drivers who are expected to compete full-time or something close to full-time in the six major league touring car series, I do have teammate projections based on my model as I did for the stock car and open wheel models previously. Obviously, five of the six series have started already (all except Porsche Supercup) and I was hoping that I would get this out before the touring car season actually started and I definitely failed in that regard. But it will still be interesting to see how these drivers perform against their expectations, and I am really liking how this model does seem to be doing a good job at projecting minor league stars especially in sports car racing before they take off.

Now that I finally have this column finished, I've got another that will maybe much less intensive coming down the pike. A couple months ago, I used both my open wheel and stock car models to calculate the average strength of the field for each year by taking an average of the career ratings for all drivers in the field to determine what were the deepest and shallowest series in the history in each series. I tried to do this much more crudely in 2015 but I really don't like the methodology I used in that attempt and I think my current version of the competitive depth analysis is a lot better refined and well thought out. And after years and years of nothin' but text, I'm finally entering the '90s and dusting out some Microsoft Excel graphs for the occasion. I'm not sure when I will get that done but I might try to get it done before the Indy 500. We'll see. Anyway, let me know if you might be potentially willing to join either a Patreon or a Substack for some auto racing analytical content (which hopefully I would produce at a much faster clip if I am actually getting paid for it) or if you're actually one of my YouTube/typing fans reading this, maybe I could throw in some competitive typing-related stuff as well. But the racing analytics content is where my heart is right now and it probably will be until I finish my second book. If I ever finish it...

Rene Rast0.5130.51958.0% vs. Wittmann, 63.8% vs. S. van der Linde
Kevin Estre0.4790.462
Marco Wittmann0.4540.43942.0% vs. Rast, 55.8% vs. S. van der Linde
Laurin Heinrich0.3870.399
Sheldon van der Linde0.3660.38136.2% vs. Rast, 44.2% vs. Wittmann
Nicki Thiim0.3830.38053.8% vs. Bortolotti
Mathys Jaubert0.36366.7% vs. Bernier, 84.3% vs. Rousset, 100.0% vs. Monje
Chaz Mostert0.3460.35366.8% vs. R. Wood
Mirko Bortolotti0.3420.34246.2% vs. Thiim
Matias Rossi0.3460.342
Ricardo Feller0.3290.34153.0% vs. K. van der Linde
Ashley Sutton0.3300.33762.6% vs. Cammish, 83.8% vs. Rowbottom, 100.0% vs. Osborne
Adam Smalley0.1310.334
Thomas Preining0.3090.33156.2% vs. Guven
Kelvin van der Linde0.3120.31147.0% vs. Feller
Dennis Olsen0.3180.311
Robert de Haan0.5370.30258.6% vs. H. King, 100.0% vs. Oeverhaus
Felipe Fraga0.2770.29572.4% vs. Khodair
Larry ten Voorde0.2920.29363.6% vs. Klein, 64.6% vs. Ghiretti
Kevin Ceccon0.2930.290
Mikel Azcona0.3250.28754.1% vs. Michelisz, 61.7% vs. Girolami
Shane van Gisbergen0.2850.286
Leonel Pernia0.2810.284
Yann Ehrlacher0.2670.28355.6% vs. Urrutia, 62.1% vs. Bjork, 69.1% vs. Qing Hua
Garth Tander0.2590.274
Lukas Sundahl0.2950.271
Ayhancan Guven0.2820.26943.8% vs. Preining
Jamie Whincup0.2560.256
Mark Winterbottom0.2470.25364.3% vs. Reynolds
Jordan Cox0.253
Rubens Barrichello0.2340.24758.2% vs. E. Barrichello, 63.5% vs. Petecof, 71.1% vs. Leist
Norbert Michelisz0.2350.24645.9% vs. Azcona, 57.6% vs. Girolami
Frederic Vervisch0.2620.246
Esteban Guerrieri0.2420.24298.0% vs. Butti
Thiago Camilo0.2360.23957.4% vs. Ramos
Lucas Auer0.2350.23977.4% vs. Engel
Christian Engelhart0.2390.23664.3% vs. Engstler
Maximilian Paul0.2270.235
Vitor Baptista0.2930.23550.1% vs. Lopes
Luan Lopes0.23449.9% vs. V. Baptista
Rob Huff0.2320.23152.9% vs. Cook, 67.6% vs. A. Moffat, 95.1% vs. Watson
Tom Ingram0.2250.23073.6% vs. Chilton, 86.6% vs. Pearson, 100.0% vs. Halstead
Santiago Urrutia0.2310.22744.4% vs. Ehrlacher, 56.5% vs. Bjork, 63.5% vs. Qing Hua
Cameron Waters0.2050.22074.0% vs. Randle
Sergio Jimenez0.2140.218
Dorian Boccolacci0.2330.218
Harry King0.1440.21641.4% vs. de Haan, 96.8% vs. Oeverhaus
Aaron Cameron0.215
Marcos Gomes0.2080.21556.7% vs. Muggiati, 56.8% vs. Salas, 62.9% vs. Bueno
Jake Hill0.2050.21352.5% vs. Turkington, 63.9% vs. Morgan
Bastian Buus0.0860.213
Dan Cammish0.2130.21137.4% vs. Sutton, 71.2% vs. Rowbottom, 90.0% vs. Osborne
Diego Bertonelli0.1850.208
Felipe Giaffone0.1930.204
Mattia Drudi0.2010.203
Josh Cook0.1910.20247.1% vs. Huff, 64.7% vs. A. Moffat, 92.2% vs. Watson
Gabriel Casagrande0.1850.19774.8% vs. Foresti
Victor Bernier0.19633.3% vs. Jaubert, 67.6% vs. Rousset, 98.9% vs. Monje
Julio Campos0.1840.19055.7% vs. Abreu
Colin Turkington0.1840.18847.5% vs. J. Hill, 61.4% vs. Morgan
Ryan Wood0.18533.2% vs. Mostert
Aurelien Comte0.2350.184
Gabriel Robe0.2980.17986.3% vs. Kohl
Jaap van Lagen0.1700.17298.9% vs. Festante, N/A vs. Francesco Braschi
Nestor Girolami0.1630.17038.3% vs. Azcona, 42.4% vs. Michelisz
Franck Perera0.1740.169
Ben Bargwanna-0.2150.165
Eduardo Barrichello-0.0280.16541.8% vs. R. Barrichello, 55.3% vs. Petecof, 62.9% vs. Leist
Cesar Ramos0.1940.16542.6% vs. Camilo
Loek Hartog0.1520.164
Raphael Teixeira0.1610.163
Thed Bjork0.1650.16237.9% vs. Ehrlacher, 43.5% vs. Urrutia, 57.0% vs. Qing Hua
Bailey Sweeny0.159
Craig Lowndes0.1580.158
Morris Schuring0.1450.158
Marvin Klein0.1620.15736.4% vs. ten Voorde, 51.0% vs. Ghiretti
Scott Pye0.1400.156
Zezinho Muggiati0.2490.14843.3% vs. Gomes, 50.1% vs. Salas, 56.2% vs. Bueno
Alessandro Ghiretti0.1390.14735.4% vs. ten Voorde, 49.0% vs. Klein
Guilherme Salas0.1180.14743.2% vs. Gomes, 49.9% vs. Muggiati, 56.1% vs. Bueno
Will Davison0.1390.14561.3% vs. de Pasquale
James Courtney0.1310.13982.6% vs. Love
Felipe Baptista0.0850.13867.5% vs. Elias
Kobe Pauwels0.1170.138
Fabian Coulthard0.1330.137
Nelson Piquet, Jr.0.1200.13655.8% vs. di Mauro
Rory Butcher0.1390.134
Atila Abreu0.1440.13344.3% vs. Campos
Nick Percat0.1300.13197.8% vs. C. Hill
Felipe Maluhy0.1380.124
Daniel Serra0.1290.12352.9% vs. Mauricio
Fabian Yannantuoni0.1240.123
Teddy Clairet0.3190.120
Diego Nunes0.1020.113
Gianluca Petecof0.0580.11236.5% vs. R. Barrichello, 44.7% vs. E. Barrichello, 57.6% vs. Leist
Simone Iaquinta0.0940.112
David Reynolds0.0910.11035.7% vs. Winterbottom
Leon Kohler0.1050.108
Josh Buchan0.102
Felipe Massa0.0310.09553.5% vs. Suzuki
Ricardo Mauricio0.0830.09447.1% vs. Serra
Luca Engstler0.0650.09335.7% vs. Engelhart
Ma Qing Hua0.0920.09230.9% vs. Ehrlacher, 36.5% vs. Urrutia, 43.0% vs. Bjork
Juan Angel Rosso0.0600.092
Andre Heimgartner0.0700.08952.0% vs. Evans, 65.9% vs. Fullwood, 79.8% vs. M. Jones
Caca Bueno0.0900.08637.1% vs. Gomes, 43.8% vs. Muggiati, 43.9% vs. Salas
Bernardo Llaver0.0770.086
Michael Caruso0.0790.085
Bobby Thompson0.0720.080
Gaetano di Mauro0.0560.07844.2% vs. Piquet, Jr.
Tom Coronel0.0740.075
Adam Morgan0.0950.07436.1% vs. J. Hill, 38.6% vs. Turkington
Lee Holdsworth0.0620.074
Allam Khodair0.0720.07127.6% vs. Fraga
Alex Davison0.0680.071
Jaxon Evans0.1540.06948.0% vs. Heimgartner, 63.9% vs. Fullwood, 77.8% vs. M. Jones
Niels Langeveld0.0860.068
James Moffat0.0680.066
Aron Taylor-Smith0.0590.06376.2% vs. Doble
Rafael Suzuki0.0620.06046.5% vs. Massa
Tim Slade0.0540.05953.1% vs. Golding
Ignacio Montenegro0.0300.056
Aiden Moffat0.0400.05532.4% vs. Huff, 35.3% vs. Cook, 77.5% vs. Watson
Denis Navarro0.0450.055
Matias Milla0.0450.050
Beto Monteiro0.0510.049
Paulo Salustiano0.0530.047
Damian Fineschi0.0390.040
Jonathon Webb0.0470.038
Fabricio Pezzini0.0510.037
Arthur Leist0.1450.03628.9% vs. R. Barrichello, 37.1% vs. E. Barrichello, 42.4% vs. Petecof
David Russell0.0170.036
Franco Girolami0.0270.033
Franco Vivian0.0330.032
Anton de Pasquale0.0120.03238.7% vs. W. Davison
James Golding0.0110.02846.9% vs. Slade
Louis Rousset0.02015.7% vs. Jaubert, 32.4% vs. Bernier, 81.3% vs. Monje
Clemens Schmid0.0200.020100.0% vs. Dorr
Ricardo Zonta0.0180.01758.3% vs. B. Baptista
Dusan Borkovic0.0130.012
Dylan O'Keeffe-0.0110.012
Jack Le Brocq-0.0110.00957.5% vs. B. Kostecki
Broc Feeney0.0430.00664.8% vs. W. Brown
Jack Aitken-0.1350.00275.4% vs. Vermeulen
Warren Luff-0.0050.002
Daniel Rowbottom-0.013-0.00116.2% vs. Sutton, 28.8% vs. Cammish, 68.8% vs. Osborne
Todd Hazelwood-0.012-0.002
Ricky Collard-0.028-0.002
Tom Chilton-0.006-0.00626.4% vs. Ingram, 63.0% vs. Pearson, 89.7% vs. Halstead
Dean Fiore-0.023-0.009
Pepe Oriola-0.017-0.009
Diego Azar0.015-0.014
Matthew Payne0.019-0.01557.1% vs. Stanaway
Chris Smiley-0.024-0.018100.0% vs. Sumpton
Alberto Cerqui-0.022-0.019
Thomas Randle-0.047-0.02026.0% vs. Waters
Luca Rettenbacher-0.018-0.022
Dan Lloyd-0.035-0.024
Ross Wylie0.037-0.028
Pedro Cardoso-0.063-0.030
Maro Engel-0.045-0.03522.6% vs. Auer
Enzo Elias-0.191-0.03732.5% vs. F. Baptista
Jimmy Clairet0.182-0.039
Luca Stolz-0.044-0.04191.4% vs. Maini
Stephen Jelley-0.049-0.042
Maximilian Gotz-0.047-0.043
Tony D'Alberto-0.067-0.044
Nicola Baldan-0.023-0.046
Felipe Lapenna-0.023-0.051
Lucas Foresti-0.076-0.05125.2% vs. G. Casagrande
Tom Oliphant-0.051-0.052
Jack Perkins-0.066-0.059
Gustav Burton-0.076-0.061
Kirill Ladygin-0.068-0.065
Brodie Kostecki-0.113-0.06642.5% vs. Le Brocq
Bruno Baptista-0.069-0.06641.7% vs. Zonta
Giorgio Amati-0.080-0.069
Bryce Fullwood-0.090-0.07034.1% vs. Heimgartner, 36.1% vs. Evans, 63.9% vs. M. Jones
Alexander Tauscher-0.07263.4% vs. Lindland, 68.8% vs. Freymuth
Alexander Fach-0.076-0.075
Tim Blanchard-0.092-0.084
Galid Osman-0.084-0.084
Raphael Reis-0.059-0.085
Richie Stanaway-0.115-0.08642.9% vs. Payne
Ollie Jackson-0.086-0.091
Garry Jacobson-0.104-0.092
Benjamin Paque-0.088-0.096
Jukka Honkavuori-0.107-0.099
Dale Wood-0.113-0.104
George Gamble-0.112-0.105
Huub van Eijndhoven-0.124-0.10854.0% vs. Levi, 55.4% vs. Haverkort, 85.1% vs. Spreng, 100.0% vs. Shahin
Eric Cayrolle-0.117-0.115
Will Aspin-0.275-0.116
Keagan Masters-0.113-0.11786.9% vs. Vukov, N/A vs. Lirim Zendeli
Isaac Smith0.022-0.117
Harri Jones-0.223-0.119
Dexter Patterson-0.133-0.128
Sami Taoufik-0.13554.7% vs. Filippi
Ronan Pearson-0.122-0.13613.4% vs. Ingram, 37.0% vs. Chilton, 76.7% vs. Halstead
Gianmarco Quaresmini-0.149-0.138
Vladimir Sheshenin-0.138-0.139
Andres Jakos-0.234-0.140
Will Brown-0.193-0.14235.2% vs. Feeney
Jorge Lorenzo-0.191-0.146
Ariel Levi-0.171-0.14846.0% vs. van Eijndhoven, 51.4% vs. Haverkort, 81.1% vs. Spreng, 100.0% vs. Shahin
Tony Kanaan-0.170-0.156
Kas Haverkort-0.16244.6% vs. van Eijndhoven, 48.6% vs. Levi, 79.7% vs. Spreng, 100.0% vs. Shahin
Felipe Fernandez-0.543-0.166
Jayden Ojeda-0.195-0.166
Juan Manuel Casella-0.170-0.170
Salman Al Khalifa-0.132-0.170
Alessio Deledda-0.159-0.172
John Filippi-0.210-0.18245.3% vs. Taoufik
Lucas Kohl-0.321-0.18413.7% vs. Robe
Aaron Love-0.275-0.18717.4% vs. Courtney
Zak Best-0.266-0.189
Sam Osborne-0.187-0.1890.0% vs. Sutton, 10.0% vs. Cammish, 31.2% vs. Rowbottom
Brad Harris-0.191
Lewis Brown-0.119-0.197
Mikey Doble-0.258-0.19923.8% vs. Taylor-Smith
Roar Lindland-0.209-0.20636.6% vs. Tauscher, 55.4% vs. Freymuth
Macauley Jones-0.216-0.20920.2% vs. Heimgartner, 22.2% vs. Evans, 36.1% vs. Fullwood
Andrew Watson-0.244-0.2204.9% vs. Huff, 7.8% vs. Cook, 22.5% vs. A. Moffat
Flynt Schuring-0.413-0.227
Lucas Groeneveld-0.233-0.227
David Schumacher-0.229-0.232
Declan Fraser-0.229-0.234
Horst Felix Felbermayr-0.292-0.235
Ghislain Cordeel-0.243-0.236
Marco Butti-0.267-0.2382.0% vs. Guerrieri
Jose Manuel Sapag-0.245-0.241
Mikael Karlsson-0.221-0.246
Thierry Vermeulen-0.261-0.25224.6% vs. Aitken
Theo Oeverhaus-0.247-0.2520.0% vs. de Haan, 3.2% vs. H. King
Ruben Volt-0.202-0.253
Jake Kostecki-0.276-0.256
James Gornall-0.202-0.259
Michael Crees-0.256-0.260
Sebastian Freymuth-0.320-0.26031.2% vs. Tauscher, 44.6% vs. Lindland
Yves Baltas-0.316-0.267
Adalberto Baptista-0.277-0.271
Frederick Balbi-0.271-0.273
Fernando Monje-0.297-0.2930.0% vs. Jaubert, 1.1% vs. Bernier, 18.7% vs. Rousset
Tyler Everingham-0.296-0.302
Sylvain Pussier-0.150-0.308
Viktor Davidovski-0.299-0.309
Aldo Festante-0.347-0.3171.1% vs. van Lagen, N/A vs. Francesco Braschi
Cameron Hill-0.421-0.3472.2% vs. Percat
Jack Butel-0.353-0.351
Lachlan Mineeff-0.352
Bashar Mardini-0.369-0.354
Sergio Ramalho-0.452-0.354
Jade Edwards-0.374-0.363
Jack Smith-0.384-0.373
Fabio Casagrande-0.396-0.374
Zane Goddard-0.401-0.390
Enrique Maglione-0.382-0.392
Michael Verhagen-0.400-0.402
Nick Halstead-0.407-0.4030.0% vs. Ingram, 10.3% vs. Chilton, 23.3% vs. Pearson
Pedro Nunes-0.425-0.420
Jaber Al Khalifa-0.450-0.422
Josh Stanton-0.257-0.427
Nicolas Hamilton-0.439-0.435
Jusuf Owega-0.405-0.437
Alex de Giacomi-0.434-0.439
Will Powell-0.450-0.442
Arjun Maini-0.440-0.4558.6% vs. Stolz
Mattias Vahtel-0.420-0.458
Soren Spreng-0.460-0.45914.9% vs. van Eijndhoven, 18.9% vs. Levi, 20.3% vs. Haverkort, 78.1% vs. Shahin
Daryl DeLeon-0.502-0.466
Jordan Boys-0.477-0.481
Ben Dorr-0.4810.0% vs. Schmid
Risto Vukov-0.483-0.48613.1% vs. Masters, N/A vs. Lirim Zendeli
Will Harris-0.506
Scott Sumpton-0.5180.0% vs. Smiley
Angus Whiteside-0.501-0.545
Victor Fernandez-0.548
Pablo Otero-0.578-0.578
Samer Shahin-0.7400.0% vs. van Eijndhoven, 0.0% vs. Levi, 0.0% vs. Haverkort, 21.9% vs. Shahin
Sean Wrona is the Managing Editor of racermetrics.com, the Webmaster of race-database.com, and the winner of the 2010 Ultimate Typing Championship at the SXSW Interactive Conference in Austin. He earned a master's in applied statistics from Cornell University in 2008 and previously digitized several seasons of NBA box scores on basketball-reference.com. He released his first book, Nerds Per Minute: A History of Competitive Typing, in 2021. You may contact him at sean.wrona@gmail.com.